Saturday, September 14, 2013

Citywide Celeabration of Women Artist - Rose Blouin

Greetings all,
In conjunction with the Citywide Celebration of Women Artists  this week's featured Sapphire & Crystals member is
Rose Blouin.

Rose Blouin is a photographer who has worked in the medium of photography since 1980. Photographic areas of particular interest include fine art and documentary work. 

Blouin’s work has been exhibited in a number of museums and galleries including Isobel Neal Gallery, Woman Made Gallery, Nicole Gallery, The South Side Community Art Center, Artemesia Gallery, The North Suburban Fine Arts Center, Evanston Arts Center, and the State of Illinois Art Gallery. Her work has received awards in juried exhibitions including Black Creativity (Museum of Science and Industry), Du Sable Museum Annual Art Fair, and the Milwaukee Inner City Art Fair. Her work was selected for inclusion in an artists' billboard project (juried) coordinated by The Randolph Street Gallery, Chicago. Blouin’s photographs have been published on the covers of South Side Stories (City Stoop Press), Columbia Poetry Review (Columbia College Chicago), Killing Memory, Seeking Ancestors by Haki Madhubuti (Lotus Press), The Chicago Musicale, and Menagerie (Chicago State University Literary Magazine). A photo of Gwendolyn Brooks was included in Say That the River Turns: The Impact of Gwendolyn Brooks (Third World Press, Chicago).

Blouin has had solo shows at the South Side Community Art Center and at the Ferguson Gallery of Concordia University featuring photographs from South Africa. She is also a founding member of Sapphire & Crystals, a collective of African-American women artists.

Blouin is recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Special Artist’s Assistance Grant and a Community Arts Assistance Grant from the Chicago Council on Fine Arts, and has served the Council as Chair of the Photography Panel. In addition, she was invited by the Chicago Historical Society to present docent training on viewing photographs and a photography workshop for children.


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