Monday, May 1, 2017

Wabi Sabi reminder.

Greetings All,
Here's a reminder that coming June 11th at the Foster Gallery for Christianity and Fine Arts.

Wabi-Sabi:  Finding Beauty in the Imperfect
(Curator’s Statement)

In these days of a throwaway society, it’s good to make do with what we have cherishing the memories they hold.  Wabi-sabi is the Japanese term for finding beauty in the imperfect.  There is beauty in the worn out bench by the garage where you sit on a hot summer day and listen to the grasshoppers chant.  That old tree in the back yard isn’t pretty, but conveys beauty in its strength and character, from making it through the thunderstorm and only losing a limb or starting to rot with moss and lichens growing on its trunk while the woodpeckers search for insects. Look to the natural aging of leaves from bright chartreuse to crumbled brown skeletal remains to understand the meaning of Wabi-Sabi.

The focus of the artists work for this exhibit, “Wabi-Sabi:  Finding Beauty in the Imperfect” gives representation to what satisfies their soul in simple ways.  We engage viewers and invite them to reflect and see in their own lives the imperfect yet simple pleasures of present and past, and the ever-changing life cycle of the natural world around us. 

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